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Apple AR/VR Job | Accessibility Engineer

Job(岗位): Accessibility Engineer

Citys(岗位城市): Boulder, Colorado, United States

Date(发布日期): 2023-9-28


The Vision Products Group (VPG) is looking for an Accessibility Engineer to help us explore, define, and build accessibility solutions for the next generation of interactive computing for our platform. As a member of this team, you will have a unique opportunity to work with some of Apple's most advanced technologies (AR, VR, ML, CV) to help create empowering solutions for all users, regardless of their physical abilities.


- Experience writing AR/VR or iOS applications

- Aptitude for independently learning new technologies

- Excellent cross-functional and communication skills

- Excitement to build software that makes a tangible difference in peoplesʼ lives!


Apple strives to make the newest technologies accessible for those with vision, hearing, motor, or cognitive challenges. The work we do ensures that all users will be surprised and delighted, regardless of ability.

You must be comfortable with rapidly evolving designs and requirements, and have excellent interpersonal skills. Throughout the process, you will work collaboratively with our world-class team of engineers, partner with designers, and coordinate with other teams including application teams, framework teams, research teams, and other hardware and software teams across Apple. Critical thinking and the ability to innovate are requirements for this position, however no prior experience with accessibility software is required.

You'll join a small and focused team with an opportunity to define and prove brand new accessibility concepts and experiences.

Additional Requirements(额外要求)

Bonus qualifications

- Knowledge of either UIKit or AppKit APIs.

- Experience with at least one of the following languages and related development tools: ObjectiveC, Swift, C++, or C

- Experience with assistive technologies is nice to have, but not required.

- Experience using accessibility APIs on any platform is helpful, but not required.

